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  • Can we come to a trial class?
    You can come to an introductory class as a casual participant before you decide to book for the whole term, so long as the class isn't fully booked. The best time to do this is in the last 2 weeks of term, so you are ready to enrol for the next term in time to save 10% by booking for the whole term in advance (you can save even more if you have multiple family members attending!)
  • Can children join a class for an older age group, even though they are not yet at that age?"
    We offer classes which progressively develop skills for children of all ages, so it's more appropriate to choose a higher skill level class that is designed for the child's age and developmental level. Kids are likely to have a better social experience if they are with children of their own age, ​
  • Do I need to check if a class is full before I book?
    No you don't - we monitor our bookings carefully to make sure we can provide enough staff to keep our teacher:student ratio high, and we update the available class times on our booking systems so that when classes are full, you will no longer be able to book in for them, but you will be given the option to join a wait-list, so we can contact you if a space becomes available.
  • Do parents stay to watch the classes?
    When children are old enough to go to school by themselves, it's usually best if parents don't stay. People who are not participating in activity but are in the same room can be distracting, and as we encourage kids to try new things and make mistakes, having an audience can be unhelpful, particularly for children who find this hard. Also, it's harder for children to follow the teacher's instructions when parents or grandparents are present, as they don't always understand who is in charge. We also have limited space in our gym andlimited parking at our HQ, so we can't have all the parents stay for the sessions. ​ It's appropriate for parents to stay for their child's first class if the child is very nervous or asks you to. It's also appropriate when kids have acute health concerns, or require extra support for their self-regulation or behaviour. You may see a parent staying during the class and in some cases we may have asked them to, to help us support their child's participation, but this is a special case. Kids love to show you what they have learned so it's great if you come 5-10 minutes before the class ends to watch the last activity. ​ We recommend that parents of children in our early childhood programs join in the class with their children and model active listening and participation, to support them to learn how to be in a class. Skills like waiting and taking turns are learned best with extra support from you, too. As children get more comfortable in the class, you may choose to sit back and let them develop independent participation, but don't be surprised if they don't behave as well at this stage because it's a new set of skills, and it's a developmentally-appropriate part of learning about boundaries to push them and see what happens!
  • What should my child wear and should I bring anything?
    Comfy, stretchy clothes that don't fall off when they go upside-down are best. School uniforms are ok in the afternoons but if your child tends to have pockets and shoes full of sand from the sandpit, it's best to get changed or at least try to leave most of the sand outside if possible! In winter, a warm layer that they can move in is best, rather than a stiff jacket. In summer, it's best to wear a t-shirt with sleeves and tights that cover the backs of the knees, as this makes the trapeze less uncomfortable. Please bring a water bottle and tie long hair back . Older children who want to try the unicycle, stilts or German Wheel need to wear or bring closed shoes, such as sneakers, to protect their feet (these skills are not appropriate until kids' legs are long enough, usually at about 8 years old). ​
  • Can you accommodate children with special needs?
    Yes, we do. We do this in a few different ways, depending on each child's needs. Often, children with special needs can participate fully without extra help, because our teachers are trained in how to meet the needs of students with individual differences, and we use a lot of supportive strategies in all our lessons. If you think your child will be likely to be able to participate in a mainstream class so long as the teacher is supportive and understanding, you can book in and tell us about your child's special needs on the booking form. If your child needs extra help, we can engage an assistant teacher to support them when they need it. If our class participation is high enough for this to be sustainable, you won't be charged any extra for this. Some children benefit from some one-on-one or small group skill development with our occupational therapist, Isobel, before they are ready to join a mainstream class, and we can do this too. We're in the process of registering for the NDIS so that these extra services can be funded that way. If you'd like to find out more about these extra support options, please send us an enquiry form and Isobel will be happy to call you for a chat.
  • I'm not sure which class I should book for. Is it ok to trial two different classes, to see which one is best?"
    You can come to a casual introductory class before you decide to book for the term, but you don't need to fill out a booking form. When you book for our term classes, you will be billed for the whole term, and you may be liable for the fees even if you decide the class is not for you. You can book for a class and, if it turns out not to be the right class for you, you can swap into a more suitable class (and if the fees are more, we will adjust your invoice so you can pay the balance). It's best if you're tossing up between two classes at different levels of experience and skill development to try the more introductory/basic level class first, because sometimes kids react badly to being in a class where they are out of their depth, and sometimes they are disappointed if they like a class but the teacher feels they are not yet at that level and need to come to a more basic class for their own safety.
  • How many kids are in each class, and how many teachers?"
    Generally, there are between 5-15 kids in each class, but we can accommodate as many as 30. We do our best to maintain a teacher:student ratio of 1:10 at the most, although sometimes this may not be possible, and when this is the case we plan activities which don't need as high a level of supervision and assistance.
  • What skills do the children learn in the classes?  How do kids progress?
    We teach four main types of skills: acrobatics, aerials (suspended equipment), object manipulations (juggling, hula hoops etc) and balance/locomotion skills (such as stiltwalking and unicycle). In our Introductory and Social circus classes, we teach a variety of these skills in each class, and over the term the lessons are varied but also have a continuous, progressive flow. Once kids have learned the basics of acrobatics and aerials, they may join our Next Step classes, which focus on these skill areas, and then progress to our Serious About Circus advanced classes. For kids who are more interested in object manipulations or balance/locomotion skills, our Social Circus program will develop their basic and intermediate level skills, and when they are ready to learn more advanced skills, we recommend they come to Juggle Jam and Unicycle Jam.
  • I can see a class that is in the skill area my child is most interested in, but it's for adults. Can children book into adults' classes?"
    This is something we do quite rarely and by invitation only. To participate in an adults' class without diminishing the adults' experience, kids need to be highly motivated, very self-disciplined, and able to behave like the adults do - and that is not typical of children! Please send us an enquiry and we'll recommend the most appropriate class, which will usually be a kids' class if we don't know your child already. Our teachers will assess your child when they come to that class and recommend another class if they think it's more suitable.
  • The class I want to book for is not available on the booking form!
    If a class isn't on our booking system it either is full or has been cancelled. If there is a particular class you're after you can send us a message and we will do our best to include you.
  • My child has done gymnastics, dance, acro or circus before. Do we need to come to an Introduction to Circus class?"
    This depends on the child, on the level at which they have trained, how long ago, for how long, and also on what skills they are interested in learning. Please send us a message to find out!
  • I want to come to a satellite program near me, but the class or age group I'm interested in is not listed. Are there any other classes in Wanneroo or Swan View?"
    Unfortunately no, all the classes we have are listed on the Our Classes pages. If you're after a class for a different age or different level, the best option is to come to our HQ which is centrally located in Burswood.
  • Can we come to a free trial class?
    We don't offer free trials unless we are doing a specific promotion, because we keep our fees low and our teacher:student ratios high, so we can't afford to. But you can come to an introductory class as a casual participant before you decide to book for the whole term. The best time to do this is in the last 2 weeks of term, so you are ready to enrol for the next term.
  • Can children join a class for an older age group, even though they are not yet at that age?"
    Generally, this is not a good idea, because although a child may be ready for more advanced skills, they are unlikely to have a great social experience if they are with children of a different age, and younger children may not be able to meet the behavioural expectations or cope with the information-processing demands. We offer classes which progressively develop skills for children of all ages, so it's more appropriate to choose a higher skill level class that is designed for the child's age and developmental level. We make an exception for children who are 4 turning 5 in the calendar year, especially if they are a younger sibling (as kids who are second or later in the birth order in a family are usually adept at following others, even if they don't understand the verbal instructions from a teacher).​ ​
  • Do I need to check if a class is full before I book?
    No you don't - we monitor our bookings carefully to make sure we can provide enough staff to keep our teacher:student ratio high, and we update the available class times on our booking systems so that when classes are full, you will no longer be able to book in for them. So if you've chosen a class from this site, it's got capacity for more kids, and you can book in straight away!
  • Do parents stay to watch the classes?
    When children are old enough to go to school, it's usually best if parents don't stay. People who are not participating in activity but are in the same room can be distracting, and as we encourage kids to try new things and make mistakes, having an audience can be unhelpful, particularly for children who find this hard. Also, it's harder for children to follow the teacher's instructions when you are present, as they don't understand who is in charge. We also have limited space in our gym andlimited parking at our HQ, so we can't have all the parents stay for the sessions. ​ It's appropriate for parents to stay for their child's first class if the child is nervous or asks you to. It's also appropriate when kids have acute health concerns, or require extra support for their self-regulation or behaviour. You may see a parent staying during the class and in some cases we may have asked them to, to help us support their child's participation, but this is a special case. Kids love to show you what they have learned so it's great if you come 5-10 minutes before the class ends to watch the last activity. ​ We recommend that parents of children in our early childhood programs join in the class with their children and model active listening and participation, to support them to learn how to be in a class. Skills like waiting and taking turns are learned best with extra support from you, too. As children get more comfortable in the class, you may choose to sit back and let them develop independent participation, but don't be surprised if they don't behave as well at this stage because it's a new set of skills, and it's a developmentally-appropriate part of learning about boundaries to push them and see what happens!
  • What should my child wear and should I bring anything?
    Comfy, stretchy clothes that don't fall off when they go upside-down are best. School uniforms are ok in the afternoons but if your child tends to have pockets and shoes full of sand from the sandpit, it's best to get changed or at least try to leave most of the sand outside if possible! In winter, a warm layer that they can move in is best, rather than a stiff jacket. In summer, it's best to wear a t-shirt with sleeves and tights that cover the backs of the knees, as this makes the trapeze less uncomfortable. Older children who want to try the unicycle, stilts or German Wheel need to wear or bring closed shoes, such as sneakers, to protect their feet (these skills are not appropriate until kids' legs are long enough, usually at about 8 years old). Please bring a water bottle and tie long hair back. There is no need to pack snacks if kids are coming for a circus session - we don't take long enough breaks for snacks because the sessions are not long enough to require it. If you're booking for the full day Arts and Sustainability Day Camps you may pack snacks if you wish, but it's not necessary as we provide lots to eat. If you are packing a snack, please make sure it's healthy and allergen-free, not very tempting junk food, as many children won't have any snacks, some have food allergies, and it's not fair if your child has chips or chocolate!​
  • Can you accommodate children with special needs?
    Yes, we do. We do this in a few different ways, depending on each child's needs. Often, children with special needs can participate fully without extra help, because our teachers are trained in how to meet the needs of students with individual differences, and we use a lot of supportive strategies in all our lessons. If you think your child will be likely to be able to participate in a mainstream class so long as the teacher is supportive and understanding, you can book in and tell us about your child's special needs on the booking form. If your child needs extra help, we can engage an assistant teacher to support them when they need it. If our class participation is high enough for this to be sustainable, you won't be charged any extra for this. Some children benefit from some one-on-one or small group skill development with our occupational therapist, Isobel, before they are ready to join a mainstream class, and we can do this too. We're in the process of registering for the NDIS so that these extra services can be funded that way. If you'd like to find out more about these extra support options, please send us an enquiry form and Isobel will be happy to call you for a chat.
  • How many kids are in each class, and how many teachers?"
    Generally, there are between 15-25 kids in each class, but we can accommodate as many as 30. We do our best to maintain a teacher:student ratio of between 1:5 and 1:10, although sometimes we have kids turn up without booking, or sometimes teachers might be unwell and unable to find a replacement, and on those days we plan activities which don't need as high a level of supervision and assistance. This means that we usually have between 2-4 teachers in each session.
  • What skills do the children learn in the classes?  How do kids progress?
    We teach four main types of skills: acrobatics, aerials (suspended equipment), object manipulations (juggling, hula hoops etc) and balance/locomotion skills (such as stiltwalking and unicycle). In our School Holiday Circus classes, we teach a variety of these skills in each class, and over the course of the program the lessons are varied but also have a continuous, progressive flow.
  • Can I book for just one day?
    Yes, you can! You can book in for just one session, and that can be on any day of the program.
  • If kids come for more than one day, will the class be different each day?"
    Yes, our classes are different each day, so kids who come for several days or all the days will find each day's program new and exciting. There is also some continuity over the days, so that kids who come on more than one day can practice the new skills they have learned and get better at them, and build on what they have learned with more new skills and extensions of their existing skills. Our teachers are excellent at grading activities for kids' individual needs, so they are able to do this while there are also beginners in the classes.
  • Can we come to a free trial class?
    We don't offer free trials unless we are doing a specific promotion, because we keep our fees low and our teacher:student ratios high, so we can't afford to. But you can come to a drop in class as a casual participant before you decide to buy a 10 class pass.
  • Do I need to check if a class is full before I book?
    No you don't - we monitor our bookings carefully to make sure we can provide enough staff to keep our teacher:student ratio high, and we update the available class times on our booking systems so that when classes are full, you will no longer be able to book in for them. So if you've chosen a class from this site, it's got capacity for more students, and you can book in straight away!
  • What should I wear and should I bring anything?
    Comfy, stretchy clothes that don't fall off when you go upside-down are best. In winter, a warm layer that you can move in is best, rather than a stiff jacket. In summer, it's best to wear a t-shirt or top with sleeves and tights that cover the backs of the knees, as this makes the trapeze less uncomfortable. Please bring a water bottle and tie long hair back.
  • I'm not sure which class I should book for. Is it ok to trial two different classes, to see which one is best?"
    It's best if you're tossing up between two classes at different levels of experience and skill development to try the more introductory/basic level class first, for safety reasons. When you book for our term classes, you will be billed for the whole term, and you may be liable for the fees even if you decide the class is not for you, so if you're not sure, do a drop-in class first. You can also book for a class for the whole term and, if it turns out not to be the right class for you, you can swap into a more suitable class (and if the fees are more, we will adjust your invoice so you can pay the balance).
  • How many students are in each class, and how many teachers?"
    Generally, there are between 5-15 students in each class, but we can accommodate as many as 30. We do our best to maintain a teacher:student ratio of between 1:5 and 1:10, although sometimes we have students turn up without letting us know they are coming, or sometimes teachers might be unwell and unable to find a replacement, and on those days we plan activities which don't need as high a level of supervision and assistance to make sure you still get a great workout.
  • The class I want to book for is not available on the booking form!
    If a class isn't on our booking system it either is full or has been cancelled. If there is a particular class you're after you can send us a message and we will do our best to include you.
  • I want to come to a venue near me. Are there any adults classes in Wanneroo or Swan View
    Unfortunately no, all our adults classes are currently held at our HQ which is centrally located in Burswood. If you're interested in helping us start an adults class at one of our satellite venues, see if you can recruit some friends and send us an enquiry form to let us know. If we've got a teacher available and the venue is available, we'd love to extend our programs.
  • Do I need to do an Stretch & Strength class before I can book for Take Flight Introduction to Aerials?
    This is not a requirement but it's recommended if you're a complete beginner. You'll learn much faster if you've already gained the strength, fitness and flexibiity that result from our Stretch & Strength class. You'll also learn some of the fundamental techniques in Stretch & Strength. If you book for a Stretch & Strength class and find it's not challenging enough for you, chat to your teacher and see what they recommend - we can easily swap your enrolment into another class if it's what suits your needs best. You can also enroll in both Stretch & Strength and Take Flight to progress even faster by training twice a week!

CirQuest HQ:  50 Goodwood Parade WA 6100


Ph:  6142 1935

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